Doncaster Equine College (DEC) offers Level 1, 2 and 3 Horse Care and Horse Management for anyone aged 16 or over.  Based at the National Horseracing College, within the grounds of Rossington Hall, Doncaster Equine College opened in September 2017.

Our courses are suitable for those with no academic qualifications or experience with horses through to experienced riders. The daily course content will include hands-on horse care and riding, which is optional.

There are many different career options for those who are interested in working with horses following completion of the DEC courses. You may want to progress into the next suitable DEC course for you, or look at various equine careers available. Completion of the course can lead to various possibilities for those seeking an equine career at different levels, in a number of different disciplines such as: Dressage, Eventing, Polo, Hunting, Showing and Show Jumping.

Doncaster Equine College is sister college to the National Horseracing College, which provides a responsive centre of training excellence within the North, identifying, encouraging and nurturing talent, particularly within young people.

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