Posted: 7th November 2016 | Back to news feed

Dengie Healthy Tummy which displays the BETA feed mark for equines prone to Equine Gastric Ulcer Syndrome is £2 off this autumn…
Recent research suggests that once horses begin training their likelihood of developing gastric ulcers increases. 17-58% of competition and show horses in competitive work have ulcers and between 37-59% of pleasure horses suffer from EGUS.
While there are many possible causes, low-fibre, high concentrate diets and intense exercise have been identified as the trigger in many equines.
Healthy Tummy from Dengie is a nutritionally balanced fibre feed containing Protexin In-Feed formula which helps to maintain optimum levels of acidity within the gut.
Suitable for horses in light to moderate work when fed at the recommended quantity this alfalfa based feed has natural buffering capabilities to keep the gut healthy. Healthy Tummy has approval to use the BETA Feed Mark for equines prone to EGUS and for owners wanting to try this diet Dengie have reduced the price by £2.00 per bag for the autumn (whilst stocks last).
Top trainer, rider and judge Sandy Phillips feeds all her horses on Healthy Tummy as she finds that it keeps her horses fit, healthy and helps maintain a healthy digestive system.
“I started to feed Dengie Healthy Tummy to a horse that was particularly prone to stressful situations as I wanted to reduce the risk of potential conditions and digestive complications that are associated with stress. The horse is transformed, chilled and sensible in new environments or when the pressure is on. I now feed Healthy Tummy to the majority of my horses – youngstock and horses in competition – it’s a complete feed and I give 2.5kg a day per horse with no other additions; I have the best looking, happy, healthy horses and they love it!”
Feeding more fibre and reducing reliance on cereal based feeds can be beneficial and advice is that starch intake should be less than 2g per KG of bodyweight per day to reduce the risk of ulcers.
So if your horse or pony is likely to be a candidate for EGUS then consider the merits of a high fibre, British grown, Dengie alfalfa diet. And as with all equine health issues, Dengie recommend that you consult your vet if you think your horse could be suffering from EGUS.
Dengie Healthy Tummy 15kg RRP £11.59 - £11.99 plus £2 off (subject to availability, while stocks last)
For stockist information or to speak to a nutritionist please call 0845 345 5115
(Calls cost 2p per minute from a landline and 2.5p per minute from a mobile plus the phone company's access charge)
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