Posted: 3rd February 2015 | Back to news feed

As the most anticipated equestrian event of the year fast approaches, make sure you pencil Equifest into your diary!
Held at East of England Showground, Peterborough, August 12 to 16, the event is not to be missed and promises to be an action packed five days.
An exciting new development has now been confirmed for this year’s event with Equifest teaming up with Ponies (UK) to provide joint qualification.
Explains Betsy Bryan of Equifest: “We are delighted to announce that this season all qualifications for Equifest will also qualify the combination for the Ponies (UK) Winter Classic - March 28 and 29 and the Ponies (UK) Supreme Championships on July 24 to 26.
“The idea of the dual qualification is that Equifest competitors can now qualify for three shows with one qualification – Equifest, Ponies (UK) Winter Classic and the Ponies (UK) Supreme Championships. Both of the Ponies (UK) Championships are held at Bury Farm Equestrian Centre in Buckinghamshire.
“This means that competitors only have to qualify once, for all three shows and provides them with a great opportunity to compete nationally at these three brilliant shows.”
In order to qualify for the three championships, competitors need to get either their Equifest Qualification Card or their Ponies(UK) Qualification Card signed and send a copy of the card in with their entries for the championships.
Equifest hope the new qualification will bring a new competitor base to all the shows, encouraging more riders to attend and give Equifest competitors added value to their one qualification.
In any instance where there is a slight incompatibility of wording, P(UK) rules will take precedence – so competitors need to check the wording in the P(UK) Rule Book –
For further information contact Equifest on (01733) 363500or visit
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