Posted: 15th November 2017 | Back to news feed

Christmas with Alanna Clarke
When do you hang your Christmas decorations?
About a week before Christmas normally. My Gran comes to stay and we do them together.
When do you do your Christmas shopping?
Everything gets done in a panic a week before Christmas.
Do you do anything on Christmas Eve or have any family traditions?
We leave out Reindeer food and Father Christmas always has a Brandy left out for him, apparently its not that well known but that’s his favourite my Mum says!
What is your favourite part of Christmas dinner?
All of it! Except the Brussel sprouts, yuk! It’s the only time of year I’m made to eat them and the worst thing about Christmas!
Do you have any Christmas traditions?
Opening presents before breakfast, I can never wait.
What is your horse expecting this Christmas?
Katrina my horse will be having some Equerry Minty Treats for Christmas. She never ate treats before we found these, and she can’t get enough of them.
Is there anything you have asked for this Christmas?
I would love a beautiful orange browband to match my orange matching set.
What is your horsey routine on Christmas Day?
It’s a normal day for the horses really, I think they like routine.
How do you spend Christmas Day?
Presents, breakfast, go to the yard, home to help cook dinner and watch some television, then back to settle the horses for the night and spend time with family.
Do you spend Christmas Day with family, how many people sit round the table?
Yes, I normally spend Christmas at home with Mum and Gran comes to stay, then I go to Dad’s for New Year.
Do you treat yourself to a Christmas jumper?
Haha, I don’t but last year Gran got me one with a cat wearing a Christmas hat!
Do you go for a Christmas hack?
No, we all have a day off.
What do you do on Boxing Day?
I like to check out if the Bloodhounds are out and go along.
Do your pets get Christmas presents?
No, they get spoilt all the time.
How will you spend New Year’s Eve?
I will be having a second Christmas with my Dad.
What is your New Year’s Resolution?
To get a six pack, I really need to work on my core.
Quick Fire Questions
Real or Fake Christmas tree? Fake.
Christmas Pudding or another dessert? Chocolate cake.
Favourite Christmas Carol? Ding Dong Merrily on High.
Colour Coordinated baubles or not? Whatever takes my fancy.
Tinsel or no tinsel? Tinsel.
What part did you play in the school nativity? The Angel Gabriel.
If you could kiss anyone under the mistletoe, who would it be? Jensen Ackles or Matthew Daddario.
Favourite Christmas film? Home Alone.
Are you on the naughty or the nice list? Ooohhhh I don’t know!
Turkey, goose or vegetarian option? Turkey!
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