Posted: 11th April 2014 | Back to news feed

The UK has seen one of the mildest winters for many years teamed with the wettest conditions on record. As we move into early spring these conditions are starting to see the premature emergence of the midges and biting insects that create so much suffering for horses that suffer from midge related skin conditions. Wet stagnant ground and warm weather are a haven for the dreaded midges so owners with horses that are prone to sweet itch are advised to take action early to prevent the onset of this distressing condition.
If you know your horse suffers then the best bet is to prevent the itch, rub, scratch cycle by applying the tried, tested and proven NETTEX Itch Stop Salve product.
Nettex Itch Stop Salve Summer Freedom 300ml RRP £12.25/600ml £21.99
Net-Tex Itch Stop Salve Complete is an advanced cream which provides complete protection against flying insects and biting midges and Nettex are giving consumers 20% off the standard RRP available from participating stockists around the country
By applying it before the midges come out in the early spring as a preventative measure then you can avoid the cycle that makes a misery for horses and ponies.
Should you miss that preventative stage and the midges get to your equine then once applied it instantly stops the itch, scratch and rub cycle.
Its soothing action disinfects and sanitises sores and promotes hair regrowth
Application is only required once a week in most cases making it very cost effective. In severe cases or if Sweet Itch has already taken hold it may need to be applied more frequently to break the itch, rub and scratch cycle.
One 600ml tub should last up to 6- 8 weeks for one horse.
Weather resistant formula, simple to apply and will not matt in the horse’s hair. Itch Stop Salve Summer Freedom is a patented formulation and is used around the world wherever midges are a problem.
HSE approval No. 7833
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