Posted: 12th February 2021 | Back to news feed

Well-known for their fantastic series of horse trials nationally as well as regional dressage and show jumping competitions, BEDE Events has launched a Virtual Dressage competition.
With the aim of ‘bringing riders together while apart’ the competition will see three British Eventing dressage tests to choose from.
Due to the BEDE winter dressage series having to be cancelled the team wanted to bring everyone together for this fantastic virtual opportunity.
The tests will allow riders to have a practice under competition rules before the season gets underway.
Dressage tests will include Pony Club Walk & Trot Test (2013), Pony Club Introduction to Dressage (2019), BE 95 (2012), BE 106 (2012) and BE Novice 110 (2011) and a team competition.
Combinations are required to video their tests from C and upload them to Facebook or Youtube and add your link to your entry form, with your name, horses name and test they have ridden.
These will then be judged by an accredited BE judge and competitors can opt to receive their dressage sheet back to assist with training in the run up to the outdoor season.
Said Stuart Buntine of BEDE: “With the season being delayed we wanted to develop the Virtual Dressage competition to try and give our much valued competitors something to aim for while training at home.
“We have some fantastic prizes and great support from sponsors, and hopefully it will provide some fun at the same time and bring people together.”
As well as prizes in each section, there will also be a team prize, and fun awards.
Added Stuart: “We really want as many riders as possible to get involved with the competition with classes for grass roots, Riding Club and Pony Club, through to leading riders wanting feedback on tests with their novice horses.”
To enter a class at £10 each visit Entries and submission dates for the videos will be from Saturday, February 20 to Monday, March 1.
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