Posted: 4th March 2021 | Back to news feed

Following the recent Government announcement and confirmation that staying away from home will not be permitted until after 12 April at the earliest, it is with huge regret that we have to make the sad decision to cancel the Blue Chip Winter Show Jumping Championships 2021.
Losing four and a half out of six months of the winter competition season due to the two lockdowns has prevented over 260 qualifiers from being held and it is now no longer possible to re-allocate such a large number of qualifiers.
We are bitterly disappointed for those who gained qualification and are now unable to compete at the finals, but this situation is unprecedented, beyond our control and the result of a worldwide pandemic. Unfortunately, while we have looked at the various options, it will not be possible to roll over any previous qualification to future championships.
Planning has commenced for the new qualification season which will begin in October and dates will be available later in the Summer. A successful national vaccination program will allow us all to safely return to the type of sport, championship series and championship finals enjoyed in previous years.
Please may we thank all our amazing sponsors and officials for their brilliant support, especially during these difficult times; without such support the Championships could not happen.
Clare Blaskey founder of Blue Chip Feed said “We sympathise with the bitter disappointment that cancellation brings and my team will greatly miss seeing you all. We are so looking forward to welcoming you to a super Blue Chip Championships next year”
We wish everyone a safe and successful summer season and look forward to seeing you at the Blue Chip Championships in 2022.
For further information please visit
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