Posted: 20th April 2017 | Back to news feed

BRITISH Horse Feeds, well known for their support of the Red Dragon Festival of Endurance has extended its commitment to the sport and is the new sponsor of the British Riding Clubs Endurance Team Event.
The event is organised and hosted by Endurance GB and leads to the prestigious final at The Lion’s Tail Ride in September.
Any member of an affiliated British Riding Club can take part and have a go at endurance by forming a team and enter the event.
Explains John Hudson of Endurance GB: “Riding Clubs can have as many teams as they like but each must be made up of at least three and a maximum of six combinations. The teams can then compete at any EGB ride throughout the country.
“These are called qualifying rides and a team who completes at a qualifying ride successfully will have a team score entered into a league table for the region in which the club is based.
“A team can then enter further qualifying rides with scores from subsequent qualifiers replacing that already in the league table if it is higher than the existing score.”
The top teams throughout the country will be offered a place in theBritish Horse Feeds' BRC Endurance Team Event Finalat The Lion's Tail Ride on Sunday 17th September 2017.
Adds John: “You don’t have to enter theBritish Horse Feeds' BRC Endurance Team Event with the sole aim of getting to the final.
“Why not just form a team or teams and go along to some qualifying rides and enjoy a day out riding in the countryside. You can ride all together as a team, in pairs, or each team member can ride on their own – starting and finishing at different times.
“We are delighted to have British Horse Feeds, makers of Speedi-Beet and Fibre-Beet as our new sponsors and would like to thank them for their fantastic support.”
To find out more and see dates for the endurance rides visit|BRC-Team-Event
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