Posted: 1st March 2018 | Back to news feed

Childéric Saddles are delighted to announce that they are to be working closely with East Midlands based competition centre and equestrian retailer, Eland Lodge for 2018 and beyond.
The new relationship will see Childéric Saddles supporting the venue with the sponsorship of their first British Eventing Event of the year on 14th April and also in the further creation of exclusive clinics built within their hugely successful ‘Childéric Experience Roadshow’ tour, which is currently sweeping the UK.
These clinics, bring together top professional riders and well-respected equestrian names with the opportunity to train and ride in the extensive collection of saddle models and with Eland Lodge’s vast and diverse clientele, the new relationship is an exciting development for both companies, as Tricia Bracegirdle of Childéric Saddles Explains:
“We have already had two very successful events at Eland Lodge, and their focus and brand alignment is the perfect fit for an ongoing relationship. We have some inspiring plans in place.”
John Coupland, Managing Director of Eland Lodge said, “We are very excited with this developing relationship, the quality of the product speaks for itself and has a great fit with the Eland brand. We have some very eye catching events lined up with Childéric Saddles showcasing both their saddles and their very impressive sponsored riders. We are looking forward to a very interesting, entertaining summer.”
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