Posted: 1st June 2017 | Back to news feed

Sleek Fitting Clothing for Confidence and Performance
It’s so important to find out which style of clothes really suit individual body shapes. Rather than buying whatever you are told is currently in fashion, it is much better to understand your shape and buy what really works for you. Sophie Valle from Equithème offers some useful advice to help you choose the perfect competition jacket.
Your body shape has little to do with how tall or short you are and that’s because there are so many combinations of height and shape. Once you understand your own measurements and shape, choosing the correct style clothes can give extremely effective and flattering results.
However, how helpful is it to have people calling you ‘hourglass’, ‘apple’ or ‘pear-shaped’, or ‘petite’ when you don’t really understand what it means or how you are supposed to use the information?
Sophie offers some advice to help you decide what your body shape is and then skilfully uses this to make suggestions on what jacket style will most complement your shape.
Said Sophie: “Once you know what your shape is, you can choose specific features on a jacket that will really enhance your figure.”
Continued Sophie, “Remember to always consider that the jacket also needs to be comfortable and have free movement for when you stretch over your horse’s neck when show jumping, etc.”
Shape types and which jacket to look out for:
- Hourglass – this means your shoulders and hips are around the same size, and you have a very defined waist. Your waist graciously curves out to your hips. Your upper body is proportionate in length to your legs.
Jacket type: choose one that will accentuate your waist, whilst maintaining the balanced look of your figure. A structured shoulder will work well, but avoid those more box-shaped which will actually hang off your bust and make you look larger than you are.
- Pear shape – your hips are wider than your shoulders. You first gain weight in your bottom and legs. Your waist is your best asset.
Jacket type: your jacket needs to help balance your lower half whilst accentuating your waist. Your jacket should cover your bum, whilst also having wide shoulders. The best tip for a pear shape is to avoid all short jackets.
- Apple shape – your shoulders or bust are larger than your hips. Your waist is subtle and you are likely to gain weight first in your belly and upper body. Your legs are your best asset.
Jacket type: your jacket must balance your broader shoulders, chest and back with your narrower lower body, by adding curves to your hips and bottom while creating a more-defined waist.
- Petite – you will have a small slim frame with narrow shoulders and narrow hips, and often no defined waistline.
Jacket type: select a jacket that adds curves to your upper half and creates a more defined waist. A jacket that finishes above your hips will work best.
Said Sophie: “There will always be plenty of choice for your riding wardrobe but don’t forget to choose the style that will best suit your shape.
“I would also recommend that you try a jacket before buying it, as it is only when you take an honest look in the mirror that you will see what suits you best.”
Other considerations for that extra wow factor are the buttons on your jacket. If you want understated, choose subtle and plain for your buttons. If you want a bit more sparkle, go for bling buttons.
Colours of jackets are undergoing a change at the moment. It is becoming more common to see brighter colours in the show jumping arenas now, although plain colours such as navy and black are still the norm for dressage, eventing and showing.
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