Posted: 26th March 2021 | Back to news feed

Connemara pony Shannon was proving a superb schoolmistress for young Maisy Griffiths in the dressage arena until she suffered from a bout of laminitis.
Now 24-years-old the 14.2hh mare is owned by Maisy’s mum Gemma who was delighted with their progress since getting her on permanent loan two years ago.
Shannon was secured with the aim of taking Maisy to the next stage in her riding career, moving up from a steady Welsh Section A, and everything was progressing well until Autumn last year.
Explains Gemma: “Shannon is a fantastic pony and we are very grateful to her previous owner, Christine Ralph for letting us have her. We knew she had cushings and that we would need to manage the condition carefully.
“She is such a fantastic pony for Maisy who was really improving until the riding had to go on hold when Shannon suddenly became laminitic in her right hind hoof.
“We feed her a low sugar, low starch diet and soak her hay so are always as careful as we can be and do the best for her.
“The cushings problem has always been metabolic and we were totally surprised when Shannon came in from the field last October lame.
“We keep to the same routine and put her out in a paddock with limited grazing for about three hours a day and we could see no reason for laminitis to strike.
“Her right hand hoof was clearly very sore and we wanted to do everything we could to help Shannon.
“We started to use LaminAid and PodoSens from Cavalor and within five days saw immediate results.
“Shannon was much more comfortable and walking so much better that after the first bottle we didn’t immediately keep her on the LaminAid and the problems came back.
“We decided to put her on a maintenance dose and now have the problem under control, so much so that we are working her in hand in preparation for some ridden work.
“With Shannon being 24-years-old, Maisy just rides her for training and learning on rather than competing, but we love her to bits and will do everything we can to keep her fit and well.”
Cavalor LaminAid is a unique balanced combination of several essential oils. Each oil is charachtarised by a specific structure, composition and effect. They work on various different levels in the body to support metabolism. The oils support the sensitive intestinal flora and bring hormonal and metabolic processes back in to balance. Cavalor LaminAid also supports circulation towards the hoof.
Cavalor LaminAid is used in combination with Cavalor PodoSens.
Cavalor PodoSens is a therapeutic hoof oil. The blend of essential oils helps provide suppport for sensitive hooves and promotes hoof elasticity.
For further information contact Cavalor Direct FREE on (0800) 133 7483 or visit
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