Posted: 28th November 2014 | Back to news feed

Equimins is delighted to welcome 23 new additions to its range of equine supplements – all of which fit in the Straight Herbs category.
The Straight Herbs category contains a range of natural products including Turmeric, Chamomile Flowers, Dandelion Leaves, Milk Thistle Seed, Rosehips, Slippery Elm and more.
“Herbs are becoming more popular, and it’s easy to see why,” says David Willey, Managing Director of Equimins. “They’re natural and can be very useful when it comes to supporting the body. We include herbs in many of our products, but the demand for ‘straight herbs’ has grown a lot recently, so we’ve provided a range to fulfill this need. Turmeric in particular is very popular at the moment, and getting herbs like this from a trusted source is important to our customers. With all supplements, it’s important that the quality is there – you need to trust what you’re feeding.”
As per all the other products in the Equimins range, the quality of the raw ingredients is high and the cost per day is modest because of this. Prices for the Straight Herbs range start at just £3.
For more information see, email or call 01548 531770.
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