Posted: 20th August 2015 | Back to news feed

Want to build a better relationship with your horse or struggling with a behavioural problem? A training holiday with Guy Robertson could be the answer.
Visit his base near Goole in East Yorkshire as an individual or bring a small group of friends with your horses and spend a few days or a week with Guy.
Training camp offers the chance to spend some quality time with your horse whilst learning about a range of common problems such as confidence and respect from your horse, softening and suppling and gaining control.
Guy will spend time getting to know you and your horse and what problems you face or goals you want to achieve. Then together your journey will begin.
The flexible approach means you can ride as much as you like. Guy will give help and advice as your require it and in a straight forward easy to understand manner.
The holidays are open to anyone at any level, and are a way for you and your horse to progress and develop together over a short period of time.
For those with problems out hacking, Guy offers an excursion day where you can hack around the beautiful Northern Racing College grounds to the lake and enjoy the gallops.
At the end of the day you can catch up over a BBQ where everyone can relax and get to know Guy and his family.
Course attendees can stay in the local Bed and Breakfast or in the new camping pods on site.
Get booked in now for a training camp for learning and fun with your horse!
For further information contact 07876 033028, email or visit
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