Posted: 14th March 2018 | Back to news feed

Tango and Inky Thrive on Fibre-Beet
Owner Rosemary Brook was looking for a feed to supplement the 24/7 paddock turnout that her 28-year-old Shetland, Inky and 13-year-old Welsh Section D cross, Tango enjoy.
Although both are used to living out, it was important for Rosemary to know they are both receiving the goodness and nutrients they require to live a happy, healthy life.
Rosemary came across Fibre-Beet from British Horse Feeds and is happy to report they have never looked back.
Says Rosemary: “The ponies have access to a field shelter and have adlib hay or haylage. Both are doing really well thanks to Fibre-Beet.
“Tango is a 16.1hh Section D cross, and has been with me since he was 14-months- old. I enjoy hacking out with him as I have a very busy work schedule and unfortunately don’t have the time to compete.
“Inky is a Shetland I have had since he was five-months-old and has been a great companion for Tango.
“They really are a dynamic duo and have been together for so long that Inky refuses to let Tango go anywhere without him coming along.
“I cannot praise Fibre-Beet enough, it has kept my two boys in great condition and their coats are shinier than ever, especially with Inky at his age. With him being 28-years-old, the winters are always a concern, but he has thrived and is still his lovely self.
“They both look really well and it is no doubt down to their nutritious diet which includes Fibre-Beet.”
Fibre-Beet is a formulated blend containing all the benefits of the original Speedi-Beet product, with added high quality Alfalfa for optimum condition and to provide quality protein for muscle tone and function.
It is a carefully designed fibre source that provide optimum fermentation patterns to help keep the digestive system healthy which is one of the reasons why Rosemary feeds it.
For more information on Fibre-Beet please contact British Horse Feeds on 01765 680300 or visit
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