Posted: 24th June 2021 | Back to news feed

In this article former Society of Master Saddlers’ President, Kay Hastilow provides advice on fitting a horse with high withers.
I have a show jumper that has very high withers and fitting a saddle is causing problems can you help?
The fashion at the moment in showjumping is very much for flat seated close contact saddles with short tree points and minimal foam panels. I am afraid it will be unlikely that you will be able to fit such a saddle to your horse no matter what any of their salesmen tell you so please put that out of your mind. However, a Society of Master Saddlers Qualified or Master saddle fitter (a list of QSFs and MSFs can be found on The Society of Master Saddlers’ website where they are listed by county or country) will know how to get a saddle made that will fit your horse beautifully whilst giving you a similar feel.
There seems to be a belief that longer tree points are somehow bad – that they will restrict the horse when jumping - but I have never seen any evidence for this either in scientific research, or in use. If your horse has a high wither it means that the rib cage will be sitting much lower, and it is this that supports the saddle.
Short points and a minimal panel will just mean that the muscles running beneath the saddle are compromised – they cannot carry weight and cannot work properly when so restricted. Because of this your perfect saddle, one that you can use without the addition of various and several pads will likely have longer tree points and a deeper cut panel at the front.
It may also be necessary to have deeper gussets to the rear to balance the saddle for you. It is possible that the tree needed to follow the contours of your horse’s back has more ‘dip’ in the seat than you would like but a skilful saddler can make it so that it looks and feels flat for you whilst giving the best possible support to your horse.
Whilst you might not find such a saddle ‘off the peg’ for your horse, a SMS QSF or MSF will know how to achieve a good fit that satisfies both you and your horse.
Enjoy your jumping!
For more information visit or contact The Society of Master Saddlers on 01449 711642.
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