Posted: 5th February 2015 | Back to news feed
FMBs Therapy Systems is delighted to welcome an additional FilmMe system, which provides those on a tighter budget with the ability to have their every ride and training session videoed at the press of a button.
The new system, called FilmMe (with the original system rebranded as FilmMe Pro) has a smaller white camera unit and includes one wristband. The footage captured is HD ready 720p (with the Pro version capturing footage in Full HD 1080p). Otherwise, both systems include the same technology, allowing the rider’s every move to be recorded, so there’s no difference in coverage.
“FilmMe is a brilliant system that’s being used by colleges and in private arenas all across the country,” says Serena Hickson from FMBs. “FilmMe Pro, the original version, provides exceptional quality footage and a few additional benefits, but the new FilmMe is excellent too. By examining each area, FilmMe has produced a more affordable version, to help encourage more venues, colleges and private arenas to install the system. Both systems offer automatic tracking and zooming, automatic video upload with free and secure storage, ability to live stream, share with owners or trainers or playback instantly for analysis and more…it’s just at a lower cost.”
Laura Tomlinson and Myerscough College use the FilmMe Pro system and the system has just been installed at Rockrose Equestrian Centre.
FilmMe and FilmMe Pro are available in the UK exclusively through FMBs Therapy Systems. To find out more about both systems and how they can be used, just contact the team. Please note that finance options are also available.
For more information see or call 01494 883433.
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