Posted: 4th May 2018 | Back to news feed

Introducing New Forage Guard® from Alltech
New Forage Guard® from Alltech is a broad spectrum mycotoxin binder designed to help lessen the damaging effects of mycotoxins on performance and health.
Mycotoxins are produced by certain moulds commonly found in grains, mixed feed, forages and bedding, and are generally referred to as being either ‘field’ (Fusarium and Endophyte toxins) or ‘storage’ (Penicillium and Aspergillius) origin.
They are implicated in a variety of acute health problems that are usually non-specific, with affected horses appearing agitated with possible head shaking, decreased feed intake and reduced performance in competition horses.
Long term exposure to mycotoxins can, therefore, prove debilitating and leave the horse vulnerable to sickness or disease.
High risk groups include those whose immune system may already be compromised, including youngstock, broodmares, veterans, performance horses, poor doers or sick and convalescing horses.
Visible and non-visible mould spores can occur naturally in forages and on pasture which can generate mycotoxins, products of mould metabolism, and are often hard to detect. They are produced by moulds in the field, at harvest and during storage.
Forage Guard® works to bind the mycotoxins in the gut, therefore preventing their absorption from the gut into the horse, without removing key nutrients from the diet, as can be the case with alternative clay binders.
Forage Guard® has been awarded eight patents worldwide that protect its novel composition and proprietary production; it has been awarded peer-reviewed research for its binding capacity with pasture toxins and is the only product with peer reviewed research in horses with Fusarium toxins.
A 5kg tub of Forage Guard® retails at £39 and contains a 100 day supply.
For further information please visit or telephone 01780 764512.
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