Posted: 29th April 2014 | Back to news feed

DO you know the importance of good digestive health for your horse?
The team at HAYGAIN hay steamers are passionate about the care and wellbeing of your horse and are campaigning to spread the word about the benefits of fibre in a horse’s diet.
Becky James of HAYGAIN explains: “Fibre is essential to maintain the health of the horse’s digestive system and should account for two thirds of a horse’s diet.
Fibre can be fed in many forms, from fresh grass to conserved forages such as hay and haylage as well as bagged fibre feeds e.g., alfalfa, chopped dried grass and sugar beet pulp.
The seeking, selecting and constant chewing of fibre provides the horse with many hours of relaxation and satisfying occupation and helps to neutralise corrosive stomach acids, thus avoiding gastric ulcers.
Fibre is ‘slow-release’ energy and so will ‘fuel’ your horse’s activities without causing excitability.
“The other benefits of fibre are that it helps provide essential minerals and electrolytes to the horse and allows water to be held in the hind gut, so helping to avoid dehydration – a major cause of loss of performance.
“Make sure you know where the fibre has come from and that it is dust-free and nutritious.
“The quality of hay varies hugely and even the best quality has enough respirable particles and allergens to challenge the horse’s respiratory system. HAYGAIN steamed hay enables you to feed good hygiene quality forage everytime with none of the disadvantages of dry hay, soaked hay or haylage.
“Using a HAYGAIN hay steamer will kill the allergens ensuring it is dust free, extremely palatable and maintains the nutritional goodness.
“If a horse is prone to impaction colic the extra water introduced to the horse’s diet through steaming will also help to reduce the risk, while vets also use HAYGAIN post-colic surgery due to its increased palatability.”
HAYGAIN is currently available in three models: the HG-1000, HG-600 and HG-GO. With all
the units steamed hay is ready to feed immediately after steaming cycles of less than 50 minutes depending on model. Complete nutritional value and goodness are maintained with improved palatability and digestibility.
For further information please contact HAYGAIN on (0333) 200 5233 or visit
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