Posted: 5th February 2024 | Back to news feed

Horse of the Year Show is set to return to Birmingham’s Resorts World Arena for the event’s historic 75th Anniversary from the 9th – 13th October 2024. In this celebratory year it is relevant, more so than ever, that we continue to adapt and focus on providing equal footing for the HOYS qualifiers and for the prestigious finals at the ‘World’s Most Famous Horse Show’. The HOYS team would like to make all competitors aware of the changes to the 2024 HOYS rulebook. All changes/additions are highlighted in bold for your attention in the full version HERE.
The following changes of particular note have been introduced following meetings with all of the relevant showing and breed societies:
JMB Height Certificate requirements
For 2024, HOYS have introduced the ruling that all animals competing in ridden height restricted classes will not need to be in possession of a JMB Height Certificate in order to enter qualifiers. Instead, qualifying animals will be required to obtain a valid JMB certificate within 28 days of the notification of qualification from HOYS or by the closing date of HOYS entries, whichever is sooner.
It is our intention that the changes to the Height Certificate requirements will alleviate some of the additional expenses faced by competitors, and will encourage aspiring participants to seize the opportunity and compete in a Horse of the Year Show qualifier.
Mountain & Moorland class entry requirements
The decision has been made to change the entry requirements for the M&M Ridden Pony classes. As of this season, riders will not be eligible to contest in both the M&M Lead Rein/First Ridden Pony of the Year and M&M Ridden Pony of the Year. The ruling has been implemented in response to safety concerns raised by various societies, and it is hoped that this will encourage riders to compete in the class that best aligns with their riding ability.
However, to safeguard the future and nurture the development of these young jockeys within the sport, a decision has been made to abolish the lower age restriction in the Junior M&M Ridden Small Breed Pony of the Year to offer another qualifier for future stars to compete in.
Coloured Horse and Pony class
Following the ever-growing popularity of the Coloured Ridden Horse and Pony of the year, we are delighted to announce the introduction of a new section the ‘Junior Coloured Ridden Native/Cob/Traditional Pony & Coloured Ridden Non-Native Pony of the year’. The class aims to recognise and support the younger riders within the CHAPS classes. The final will replicate that of the qualifying season and see 10 combinations coming forward from the qualifiers to the TopSpec Arena on Sunday 13th October. The geographic distribution of the qualifiers ensures that Junior competitors have great opportunities throughout the country to qualify for the new final.
To compete in the Junior Ridden Coloured Pony of the year, riders must not have attained their 18th birthday before the 1st January in the current year. Animals eligible are Native/Cob/Traditional Ponies up to and including 148cm and Non-Native Ponies up to and including 153cm. The link to the new Junior qualifiers can be found HERE.
We’re confident that the showing classes at Horse of the Year Show are continually developing and providing opportunities for all riders. We encourage competitors, new and old, to support the qualifiers, and we look forward to welcoming as many of you as possible to Horse of the Year Show 2024.
There’s only #ONEHOYS so let’s get SHOWING!
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