Posted: 18th March 2014 | Back to news feed

Island Farm Donkey Sanctuary in Oxfordshire has secured sponsorship from forage and feed manufacturer, HorseHage. The company will provide Mollichaff Donkey – a complete high fibre feed formulated specially for donkeys – for the 120 donkeys under the sanctuary’s care.
Island Farm was set up by John McLaren and family in 1983 and is now a registered charity which rescues and cares for ill-treated donkeys. John McLaren and Linda Chilton attend most of the larger county and agricultural shows where they are quite successful with showing donkeys in-hand and are always willing to talk to any member of the public interested in donkeys.
Many donkeys arrive at Island Farm suffering from some form of neglect associated with a lack of understanding and occasionally, abuse. The most common issues are overgrown hooves along with parasites, malnutrition and skin problems, all of which can cause pain, discomfort and distress. Some donkeys are given to the sanctuary when their owners can no longer look after them.
In addition to the donkeys living at the sanctuary, Island Farm also has foster carers and has also rehomed around 100 donkeys. Their ages vary from a foal born last year to around 45-years-old.
Said John McLaren: “Many people don’t realise the commitment required when they take on a donkey. They can live for around 50 years which is a commitment in itself, but they are also very different to horses and ponies, and require a different type of diet and management.”
“We are thrilled to receive this support from Mollichaff Donkey as the financial commitment for caring for these donkeys is huge and we also have six paid staff working here alongside our valued volunteers. Having charitable status allows us to fund raise by holding shows and events and doing special appearances with the donkeys.”
Said Chris Tar of HorseHage: “We are very happy to be providing support to Island Farm. We formulated Mollichaff Donkey specifically for donkeys as they require a high fibre, low starch and low protein diet, and have a different digestive system to horses and ponies.”
Mollichaff Donkey is highly palatable and contains a balanced blend of fibre pellets, oat straw, and soya oil with camomile, mint and lemon balm. It also contains a broad spectrum vitamin and mineral supplement, which includes limestone and magnesium.
For further information please call the HorseHage Helpline on 01803 527257 or visit
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