Posted: 6th February 2018 | Back to news feed

A small change in a horse’s shape will significantly alter the way the saddle sits, making it uncomfortable for the horse and altering the rider’s balance.
In addition to the effects of age and condition, eventers will change shape through training, and as a result of physiotherapy. Under a well-fitted saddle, changes can happen within a week, and the impact of physiotherapy can be even more dramatic. We have seen a horse go from a narrow to a medium wide fit after a 35 minute treatment. If the same saddle unadjusted were re-used, the musculature will tighten and revert.
Several saddle brands can be adjusted to change the angle that the tree makes behind the end of the scapula. The head plate range in WOW saddles offer a choice of width as well as angle, to optimise fit. Slight adjustments to flocking, which are most easily and accurately done with air flocking, can massively improve comfort and performance. Sticking a thick pad under the saddle may help relieve pressure points in some circumstances, but will make the problem of a saddle that has become too narrow worse, and do nothing to address imbalance front to back.
It is not the saddler’s responsibility to monitor the horse: their expertise is to change the fit to help the horse improve. As the rider/owner, monitor your saddle’s fit and have it checked by a professional fitter regularly, especially after a step up in work, or a physiotherapy treatment. You will be rewarded by a happier horse with fewer back problems and improved performance.
for more information on WOW Saddles please visti:
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