Posted: 10th December 2019 | Back to news feed

Inspirational RDA Rider Receives Award from The Worshipful Company of Lightmongers
It was a day to remember for Richard Brumby when he received an award from The Worshipful Company of Lightmongers at Ingestre Stables, based in Stafford.
Richard, who is deaf and blind and has Asperger’s Syndrome rides with the Stafford Riding for the Disabled Group (RDA) and was recognised for the progress in his riding, as well the fundamental role he has played in the development of a haptic device which allows him to ride more independently.
The haptic device, which Richard wears on each arm, vibrates to tell him whether to go left, right, stop or walk on, and is controlled by his coach, Doug Smith, using his mobile phone.
Imperial College London developed the device with the help of Richard and Doug, and it is hoped the technology can be further advanced to the next level to enable RDA Groups nationwide to be able to use the device. A paper has been published in a scientific journal reporting on the benefits of its use to riders with hearing and sight disabilities.
Richard was born profoundly deaf and has been totally blind since the age of 18. Now 35, Richard is completely isolated from the outside world and is reliant on support to communicate with others.
Said Doug: “Since Richard came to Stafford RDA, he has shown tremendous courage and trust in the horses he has ridden and the volunteers who support him. He has been instrumental in the development of the communication device we use.
“When I began coaching Richard he responded well to all inputs but did not demonstrate any autonomous decision-making capacity when asked to practice what he had been shown. We persevered for nearly two years and then began to see slight signs of improvement. The breakthrough came just before last Christmas when Richard decided to ride across the school rather than just send the horse round and round in the track.
“I am unashamedly evangelical about Richard as because he does not appear to respond, people put him in the 'too hard to do’ box, which is an absolute travesty.”
Richard’s mum, Mary, is incredibly proud of his achievements: “Prior to joining Stafford RDA, Richard was just led around the arena whilst riding, which gave him no real sense of achievement or progression. He had previously ridden when he was aged about eleven, for a couple of years, before losing his sight.
“Richard has now been able to compete, winning two red rosettes, something that none of us ever expected to happen.
“The progress in the last twelve months has been not only incredible to observe, but has also had a knock on effect on Richard's life in general. Richard now makes decisions not just choices and this is a result of his bravery and dedication on horseback. He is an inspirational young man who, unfortunately, very often gets overlooked because of his disabilities.”
The Livery Companies of the City of London have charity and education as their primary objectives, giving over £45 million to charity each year. The Worshipful Company of Lightmongers is relatively small and its charitable thrust is towards sensory disabilities.
Following a riding demonstration, Richard was presented with a large shield with the inscription printed in braille, as well as on a standard plate for sighted observers, by Past Master Lightmonger, Hugh Ogus MBE. He also received a copy of Doug’s citation, nominating him for the award transcribed into braille.
Said Hugh: “When I heard about Richard having both aural and visual impairments and read Doug’s description of his inspiring riding achievements at RDA, I wanted to support Doug’s quest to give Richard some recognition of his triumph.”
Doug and Richard share an incredible bond through their participation with RDA and mutual love of horses. In 2019 both featured in the RDA’s 50 Faces campaign to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the organisation.
Outside of RDA, Richard also enjoys rock wall climbing and was recently approached by a Para Olympic climber, ranked number two in the world. She is now coaching Richard, and he will compete in his first climbing competition later next year.
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