Posted: 4th September 2015 | Back to news feed

Shetland pony stallion Nutmeg arrived at Mossburn Community Farm near Lockerbie in Dumfries and Galloway early September 2012 in terrible condition and covered in lice.
Juanita Wilson, founder of the community farm, immediately arranged for a visit from the vet to check Nutmeg over. They were horrified to discover that one of his upper molars had grown into his bottom jaw meaning it was impossible for him to eat properly and would have been agony for little Nutmeg.
Equine dental technician Mark Thorne was called out the next day spending an hour and a half working on Nutmeg to try and make him as comfortable as possible, once the treatment was complete, everyone involved was covered in lice!
At nearly 40-years-old and with a mouth in such a terrible state it was no wonder that Nutmegs’ condition was so poor. Even after all the efforts put in by the team at Mossburn, as well as the vet and dentist it was unlikely that Nutmeg would ever gain a lot of condition, due to his mouth being left unattended for so long.
With virtually no teeth the team didn’t expect Nutmeg to live very long, but even after everything he had been through he was still a sweet natured pony.
Having done what she could to help Nutmeg a friend suggested Juanita try him on Lifeforce Focus, the digestive health supplement from Alltech.
Within a month Nutmegs’ overall condition had improved enormously, and he obviously felt much better in himself, perking up from a depressed pony to being as lively as a pony can be who is in his late thirties!
Juanita said: “Nutmeg is an endearing little chap but likes his own way and lets you know exactly what he wants and when he wants it. He will stand at the field gate up to seven times a day demanding to be let in and fed and will not tolerate the chickens trying to assist him to empty his bowl, he is good with humans but we have no idea if he was ever broken in.
“Nutmeg has never exhibited stallion characteristics since coming to us four years ago, I think at his age he has lost any ideas of being amorous, though he does love to be part of the female herd. If a mare does come in season he whinnies a bit but not much and that is the full extent to which he shows any kind of interest.
“He is an independent pony, who keeps himself very much to himself but has no objection to a crowd of adoring youngsters grooming him. When he came to Mossburn his mane was so thick and so long that it was twisting his neck to one side. One of our regular volunteers’ mother is a hairdresser and she sorted him out and continues to do so, he has his own “private” hairdresser, “laughed Jaunita.
“I would highly recommend Lifeforce to anyone with a horse or pony lacking condition, it has certainly boosted Nutmegs’ moral as he clearly feels much better.”
The Lifeforce Range of all-natural daily digestive aid supplements from Alltech are designed to benefit horses at every stage of life, from breeding stock to pleasure and performance animals.
For further information please visit or telephone 01780 764512
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