Posted: 29th September 2015 | Back to news feed

ELEVEN-year-old Scarlett Cox is having a fantastic season with her 13hh Palomino mare, Lillibet, who is looking and going better than ever since being fed on Equerry.
Lillibet was given to Scarlett’s mum, Emma, as a five-year-old, she had been backed and “written off” after being labelled as a big, lazy and stiff pony with no training.
Over the last four years Emma has been working hard to produce the pony for her daughter, Scarlett, and after several jockeys had declined to ride the pony in the early stages of training, Scarlett took up the reins at the start of the year.
Said Emma: “It has been a long haul producing Lillibet, she was very stiff through the shoulders and in the neck making turning extremely difficult. I went back to basics and spent three months on the ground with her, long reining and lunging.”
Now, no one would know that this stunning pony was almost given up on, added Emma: “The hard work has really paid off. Lillibet is a fantastic pony and she really looks after Scarlett, who only started riding her in February and they have come on in leaps and bounds!”
Equerry has played a key role in the development of Lillibet, positively influencing her condition, temperament and vitality.
Said Emma: “Equerry feeds has made a massive contribution towards producing Lillibet. She holds her weight and looks in fantastic condition all year around with the support from Equerry Conditioning Mash and Equerry Conditioning Cubes through the winter and Equerry High Fibre Cubes in the summer. The products help to keep Lillibet looking in good condition, full of health while maintaining energy for a naturally lethargic pony!
“With the support from the nutritionists and the range of feeds at Equerry, we have been able to balance the feeds to cater for Lillibet, depending on seasons and requirements. Through the summer Lillibet can hold grass which impacts on her energy levels, so we balance the Conditioning Cubes with High Fibre Cubes and reduce the Conditioning Mash. This blend provides enough energy for Lillibet without gaining too much weight.
“In winter we rely on Equerry Conditioning Mash with Equerry Conditioning Cubes for maintenance of condition and to provide sufficient energy. We have been absolutely thrilled with how well the products work for a pony whose nutritional needs can vary so much!”
This young partnership have certainly gelled quickly, racking up a tally of great results in only a short time. Said Emma: “No one would have ever thought that Lillibet would be competing in National showjumping competitions let alone be the local Riding Club champion at Intro and Prelim dressage.”
Scarlett and Lillibet are currently leading the points in the Antrobus Riding Club 60cm, 70cm and 80cm showjumping league as well as the Working Hunter championship. They recently won four out of four working hunter classes at the Bridgewater Riding Club Championships and went ring champion.
Scarlett is hoping to have a go at eventing next season as well as county Working Hunter classes and the national British Showjumping Stepping Stones competition.
For more information contact Equerry Horse Feeds on 01845 565640 or visit
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