Posted: 31st October 2013 | Back to news feed

Sadly box rest is sometimes part and parcel of horse ownership. Whilst we try and protect our beloved horses and ponies wherever possible occasionally acute injuries, a disease or illness can mean that a period of enforced box rest is necessary. So if misfortune strikes how can we, as horse owners, best provide optimum care for our horses in the stable whilst they rehabilitate?
It is important to remember if your horse or pony is subject to having to spend a period of time in his stall or stable it is essential that their environment is as complimentary to their needs as possible in order to provide an area of solstice which is as clean and as relaxing as possible.
Firstly always invest in high quality absorbent bedding and muck your box-rested equine out at least twice daily. In addition, provide your horse or pony with plenty of your time to minimise their boredom, offering them regular grooming, fuss and attention and where suitable introduce stable toys.
The most important factor of all however, is to always provide sufficient forage to the stabled equine. The horse is a trickle feeder, designed to eat small amounts of forage almost continually and when stabled 24/7 the responsibility of supplying forage in the absence of grazing is entirely ours. Often our own time constrains prevent us from being ‘on hand’ throughout the day and night to replenish our horse’s forage, and some horses will simply devour their haynet within the first few hours of receiving it leaving them for several hours without food. Elim-a-Net slows down this consumption to ensure forage is eaten slowly and steadily, leaving your horse’s digestive system constantly moving and helping to reduce boredom and stress.
For many horse owners, the worry is that their equine will gain weight when on box rest if fed ad-lib hay or haylage, however Elim-a-Net from Parell Products provides the perfect solution to the conundrum. The unique design of Elim-a-Net includes an Inner Net Design which alters the size and shape of the holes in the haynet helping to ensures forage is available for longer and allowing our horses to trickle feed and slow down their eating pattern.
Elim-a-Net is ideal for the box resting horse and helps to make feeding quantities simple as the innovative design is available in three different sizes; Pony, Cob and Horse. This means you can ensure your recovering equine gets exactly what he needs to maintain a happy, healthy outlook.
For more information on Elim-a-Net, and to find your local stockist visit or call 07715 172 470.
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