Posted: 21st April 2021 | Back to news feed

Now 13-years-old, much-loved Miniature Shetland pony Kanchana has been part of the Rodford family for most of her life.
Originally bought with her stable-mate Jacinta, who is a year older, Kanchana came into their Newbury home to keep a then eight-year-old Victoria Rodford interested in ponies after she had a couple of bad falls.
Explains dad Paul: “Both ponies are a huge part of our family and are now very much pets and we want to make sure both are as fit and healthy as they can be.
“Jacinta has never struggled with any health issues at all but for Kanchana, laminitis is a condition she has had to endure for much of her life.
“We have always been able to manage it with a careful grazing routine and a handful of hay but this winter the problem became much worse.
“Her hooves we so sore that we often found Kanchana laying down and not wanting to move at all and I had heard of a product called LaminAid that we felt would be worth trying.
“Seeing Kanchana laid flat out was very distressing and as she isn’t on any hard feed I was pleased to find something that we could syringe into her mouth.
“It was almost impossible to get her to move and really was not nice to see at all and we just wanted her to be comfortable again and to be able to go out in the paddock with Jacinta.”
Paul started to use LaminAid and Podosens from Cavalor and was delighted when 10 days later, Kanchana was walking around her stable and looking comfortable enough to be led out in the paddock.
“It was so nice to see Kanchana back to her old self and to be able to have fun with Jacinta once again.”
Cavalor LaminAid is a unique balanced combination of several essential oils. Each oil is charachtarised by a specific structure, composition and effect. They work on various different levels in the body to support metabolism. The oils support the sensitive intestinal flora and bring hormonal and metabolic processes back in to balance. Cavalor LaminAid also supports circulation towards the hoof.
Cavalor LaminAid is used in combination with Cavalor PodoSens.
Cavalor PodoSens is a therapeutic hoof oil. The blend of essential oils helps provide suppport for sensitive hooves and promotes hoof elasticity.
For further information contact Cavalor Direct FREE on (0800) 133 7483 or visit
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