Posted: 8th December 2021 | Back to news feed

Owned by Clare Lague, Barkway Katrin known as Kitty in the stable, was diagnosed with Equine Metabolic Syndrome (EMS) two years ago and had to have a strict diet change. She is now in tip top health and licks her feed bucket of Mollichaff Hoofkind Complete completely clean.
Standing at 12hh, aged 14-years-old Kitty is a stunning Welsh B pony. She was worked as a lead rein/first ridden pony by Clare’s daughter but is now semi-retired due to Clare’s daughter outgrowing her and also because of her EMS diagnoses. She mainly shows in hand now and enjoys hacks out.
The first time Clare took Kitty to a show was a local one and Kitty won all her classes coming home with Section Champion and Supreme Champion. It is clear that Kitty is a true all-rounder.
Having done her research on HorseHage & Mollichaff 10 years ago when she first had a youngster, Clare started out feeding Mollichaff Herbal to all her horses. But when Kitty was diagnosed with EMS in 2019, Clare had to change Kitty’s diet to a very strict one due to her condition. With a lot of faith and trust in the HorseHage & Mollichaff brand Clare looked further into the range of products and moved Kitty on to Mollichaff Hoofkind Complete.
Said Clare: “I knew how well my horses do on Mollichaff Herbal so I wanted to keep with a brand I trust.
“I currently have three horses of all different breeds and ages, two fed on Mollichaff Herbal and Kitty on Mollichaff HooKind Complete and they all love it. They literally lick their bowls clean!
“Since being on Mollichaff HoofKind Complete for the last two years Kitty’s coat just shines, she looks healthy and her hooves are perfect.
“She has to be on a very strict diet and Mollichaff HoofKind Complete has everything in it that she is allowed. I get constant compliments on how well she looks and people don’t believe that I don’t feed any extra supplements.”
Mollichaff HoofKind Complete
Mollichaff HoofKind Complete is a complete feed that is low in starch and sugar, high in fibre and does not contain any cereals. It provides a low level but high quality protein and restricted calories to give limited, controlled energy from high quality digestible fibre and oil-based ingredients, making it an excellent feed for good doers as well as those prone to laminitis.
Mollichaff HoofKind Complete contains a broad spectrum vitamin and mineral supplement and, when fed at the recommended levels, it can be used as the sole bucket feed.
For more information please call the HorseHage & Mollichaff Helpline on 01803 527274 or visit
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