Posted: 27th March 2014 | Back to news feed

Following on from the popular first lesson in the Mark Butler Foundation Series, ‘Simple Steps to a Better Position’, Sound Schooling is pleased to present the second of this download series ‘Introducing the Seat, Leg and Rein Aids’. This ridden audio download focuses on the way the rider can influence the way of going through correct aiding. You’ll work in walk, trot and canter, using exercises which help to put your horse on the aids, and learn about the functions of the seat, leg and rein. Throughout the download, Mark will clearly explain how with subtle changes and the ability to self monitor, improvements can be made to each and every rider regardless of level or riding experience.
Mark Butler is a former National Dressage Champion and has trained with some of the world’s finest, including Arthur Kottas, Charles de Kunffy, Klaus Balkenhol and Emile Faurie. As a well respected trainer and rider working with pupils from grass roots through to those competing at regional and national level, Mark recognises the importance of establishing the fundamentals of schooling in order for a partnership to progress. “We have planned this audio lesson to help gauge, improve and further develop the use of the rider’s aids on the horse. The basics of training are so important, and can sometimes be overlooked, so the exercises within this lesson should give every rider the opportunity to assess where they are currently at, and really make the most of their training sessions.”
The session is 23 minutes and 40 seconds in length, and designed to be listened to whilst you are riding your horse in a 20x40m arena.
About Sound Schooling
Sound Schooling believes that schooling your horse or pony should be fun and rewarding, and that everyone should be able to benefit from top trainers. Sound Schooling provides affordable and inspirational audio downloads for riders, including music to ride to by Tom Hunt and schooling lessons with British Dressage List 1 Judge and Trainer, Kim Ratcliffe.
Sound Schooling audio lessons can help if you've ever found it difficult to think up ideas for your schooling sessions, want to learn or practice new movements, or simply want to have add some variety, structure and discipline to your riding. They are designed to be listened to on your MP3 player whilst you ride –with an expert in your ear!
To purchase Sound Schooling downloads
For more information or to trial Sound Schooling audio downloads please contact Rona Willicott at or +44 (0)7779 164 360.
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