Posted: 29th November 2013 | Back to news feed

ARE you looking for inspiration, to improve your relationship with your horse and develop a bond and real connection?
As is the case with most things in life, having a support system is key to success and the Parelli Savvy Club provides a wealth of information and advice to help you every step of the way.
The Savvy Club is a worldwide membership community where you can connect with Pat and Linda Parelli, find friends, learn, ask questions, get inspired and get support to help you become the best you can be for your horse.
The Savvy Club offers three levels of membership – Parelli Digital, Parelli Savvy and Parelli Premium.
Membership of the Savvy Club gives natural horsemanship fans access to unlimited knowledge and experience including:
- On demand streaming access to the entire Level 1 educational content.
- 25% merchandise discount
- Unlimited access to Parelli Connect
- Personal access to Pat and Linda
- Interactive ‘to do’ lists
- Eight instructional DVDs and four issues of Savvy Times magazines – for the Digital membership these come in digital format.
The Savvy and Premium level membership also includes a Savvy Welcome Kit while the Premium level has the added bonus of video library access and VIP seating at events.
Parelli Digital is £6.95 a month or £69 annual, Parelli Savvy is £16.90 a month or £139 annual, and Parelli Premium is £52.99 a month or £529.99 annual.
For further information contact Parelli UK on 0800 0234 813 or visit
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