Posted: 22nd October 2014 | Back to news feed

LINDA and Pat Parelli are heading to the UK next spring for an exciting one day celebration of natural horsemanship techniques and skills.
The event – One Day with Linda and Pat Parelli - takes place at Addington Manor Equestrian Centre in Buckinghamshire on March 7 and is set to be a fantastic day for learning and fun at the same time.
From inspiring demonstrations to educational sessions, the day will be packed with information and advice to help all horse owners looking to achieve new highs with their horses and ponies.
The day will include Savvy Team demonstrations, developing horses with a variety of problems or issues, to learning more about Horsenality and so much more.
Spending time with like-minded people throughout the day will also prove inspiring with Parelli Natural Horsemanship based on understanding horse nature and psychology to enable anyone at any level, whether you are a beginner or international competitor, to have fun with horses and achieve amazing results naturally.
Said Graham Pickup of Parelli UK: “Everyone is looking forward to a fantastic day with Linda and Pat Parelli. For anyone wanting to improve their horsemanship and learn how to understand horses and ponies better, the day will provide a fascinating insight not to be missed.
“Addington Manor is a great venue and we want the day to be a real celebration of everything that natural horsemanship methods and ideas can bring to horse ownership, riders and those passionate about developing their relationship and bond to a higher level.”
Parelli Natural Horsemanship is the world’s most popular horsemanship education programme with the goal to help raise the level of horsemanship for the benefit of horses and the people who love them.
By practicing the Parelli programme, horsemen and women of all disciplines and skill levels are able to build solid, reliable foundations with their horses.
Buy your tickets today!
Tickets are priced from £39 to £99. Anyone buying 10 tickets in one transaction will receive one free.
To buy tickets contact Parelli UK on 0800 0234 813 or visit the Parelli webshop at
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