Posted: 7th July 2014 | Back to news feed

The Royal Norfolk show draws more than 100,000 visitors each year and 2014 was the first year that Parelli Natural Horsemanship was represented there by the East Anglian Savvy Team.
Two demonstrations were held each day by instructors Cath Langley and Anthony Greenleaves, introduced by Lyla Cansfield and Jody Ruysen, ably assisted by Jennifer Woods.
The first one of the day was in the Countryside Arena where spectators came to be entertained by various displays such as dog training, birds of prey, ferret fun, and this year, Parelli.
The team wowed the crowd with their relationship and communication with their horses and comments were made about how beautiful the training was, especially when the bridles came off and the horses remained calm, connected partners despite the many distractions!
The second demostrations were held in the horse area with displays in the Wensum and Ivan Cooke arenas and drew a crowd that were specifically interesting in seeing what Parelli was all about.
During one of these demonstrations, a parade of around 25 Suffolk Punch horses were led through the arena by mistake, but once they started coming, the others had to follow.
Lyla did a great job of carrying on whilst Cath with Fred and Anthony with Wizard showed how well their horses were in tune with their riders and remained focused on their tasks!
Friendly game was the theme of the show as the team had to walk through the heavy crowds with an escort to get between the rings.
At the same time the RAF dropped six parachutists out of a plane each trailing red, white or blue smoke and did a very impressive tandem descent above the arena with both horses behaving impeccably.
Parelli UK Director Graham Pickup headed the team of enthusiastic volunteers on the Parelli Stand where the instructors talked to visitors including both current students and those newly interested in the programme.
A very successful first time at this large show, with great demos, superb team work and lots of happy smiles.
For more information visit www.parelli .com or contact Parelli UK on 0800 0234 813.
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