Posted: 17th May 2021 | Back to news feed

When Emma Richardson’s miniature pony, Princess became ‘footy’ she was fortunate that her farrier was on hand to offer advice.
Based in South Derbyshire, amateur show jumper Emma, bought the attractive leopard spotted pony as a companion and now eight-years-old Princess has had an occasional bout of laminitis.
Explains Emma: “Princess is turned out with my two show jumpers and I have managed the issue by using a grazing muzzle and limiting her time in the field during the lush spring grass.
“When she last became footy it was actually during the time we were still getting early morning frosts and I could see she had started to struggle.
“I have a fantastic farrier, Jonathan Nunn who is highly regarded for his remedial work and who recommended using LaminAid from Cavalor which I could syringe into her mouth.
“She is a lovely pony and very sweet and I was fortunate that I was able to get advice very quickly before the issue worsened.
“I have had Princess since she was six months old so she is very special to me and I just want her out playing and having fun in the fields but of course staying fit and well.
“After the recommendation from Jonathan I started to use the LaminAid and just added the maintenance dose as she is very small.
“I was pleased I was doing everything I could to help Princess and within three days she was so much better and was back to her old self.
“I think catching the problem early and taking action really prevented her from becoming really bad and struggling which is not nice to see.
“Princess is so much fun and it is great that she is now out with the show jumpers again and enjoying the warmer weather, while restricting her grazing .”
Cavalor LaminAid is a unique balanced combination of several essential oils. Each oil is charachtarised by a specific structure, composition and effect. They work on various different levels in the body to support metabolism. The oils support the sensitive intestinal flora and bring hormonal and metabolic processes back in to balance. Cavalor LaminAid also supports circulation towards the hoof.
Cavalor LaminAid is used in combination with Cavalor PodoSens.
Cavalor PodoSens is a therapeutic hoof oil. The blend of essential oils helps provide suppport for sensitive hooves and promotes hoof elasticity.
For further information contact Cavalor Direct FREE on (0800) 133 7483 or visit
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