Posted: 7th November 2017 | Back to news feed

Private Commissions – Because They Are Worth It!
Mark Sutcliffe’s’ best friend commissioned a portrait of terrier cross ‘Henry’ as a much-needed present just after Henry had sadly died. The passing left Mark, heartbroken, so the aim was to provide him with a meaningful keepsake of little Henry. At a very difficult time the portrait was such a huge comfort to Mark.
Henry was a terrier cross, born in December 1998, who came into Mark’s life in February 1999. When Mark first met his best friend to be, at a rescue centre in the north of England, his future looked bleak: he had suffered a series of fits, and the vet had doubts about rehoming poor Henry. The rescue centre made it clear that he could be returned if there was ever a problem, but of course that was never going to happen.
Henry did have the occasional, very mild fit, probably one or two a year, where he would go quiet, and still, and be a bit unsteady on his feet. They never lasted longer than five minutes, during which time Mark knew exactly what to do. To comfort Henry, he would close the blinds and sit or lay by his side so he would know he wasn’t alone. After 10 or 15 minutes it would all be forgotten.
These little incidents aside, Henry went on to live a long and happy life, most of it in Mark’s company, 24 hours a day. He was a timid boy who never showed an ounce of aggression, but loved to chase a ball or a stick and go for long walks in the countryside.
After the first few weeks at home, when Henry was under the vet’s guidance, he lived on a vegan, occasionally vegetarian diet, and was very healthy and happy. Mark spent a lot of time caring for Henry who soon became his best friend and companion.
Sadly, Henry left this world on Independence Day 2015. The photograph on which artist Andrew based his work was taken the day before, and shows Henry wearing a harness which was left on permanently so he could be given a hand when needed. Andrew painted the harness out with great skill for the portrait.
“My life and the world changed after Henry died,” said Mark. Andrew’s beautiful pastel pet portrait of Henry gave Mark a lasting memory of his beloved pet providing him with comfort at a much needed time.
Talking about Henry, Mark said: “Andrew’s wonderful portrait, a marvellous and totally unexpected birthday present from my best friend, captured his spirit, character and appearance perfectly, so much so that it is as if I see my boy and not just a representation.”
The death of a pet is a devastating experience that we humans unfortunately experience too often. Andrew has created a lovely memorial of precious Henry to stay with Mark making a lasting memory. The 20” X 16” portrait now hangs in Mark’s sitting room, and will always have pride of place wherever Mark lives. “It is one of my most treasured possessions,” said Mark.
Henry the terrier cross really was Mark’s best friend and through the gift of a pet portrait, Yorkshire Pet Portraits created a special and deeply personal gift of his beloved companion.
For further information on Yorkshire Pet Portraits visit or call 07926 254241.
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