Posted: 15th April 2021 | Back to news feed

When Annette McCracken walked to her horse’s stable door and found her laid flat out she thought the time had come for the 21-year-old cob.
Now retired, Sally has been a major part of Annette’s life since she was four and the pair has spent endless hours together hacking and enjoying cross-country rides.
Said Annette: “I have had so much fun on Sally and she is a massive part of my life so when I went to the stable and found her lying on her side it was very distressing.
“She has had laminitis on and off for a number of years but it has never been as severe as the latest bout.
“I have always turned her out with my show jumpers and event horses but in February this year the attack happened while she had actually been stabled for a few days with the cold, wet weather.
“It just came out of nowhere but may have resulted from too much haylage and standing in.
“When I went to the stables I just could not get her to move. I went back several times and then I started to get really worried and felt I needed to call the vets.
“The vet arrived at 8.20pm and it was as if Sally knew because as he opened the door she jumped up.
“He gave her an injection to ease the pain and we organised for a visit the next day to take xrays and have a further consultation.
“The xrays showed there was the start of rotation in her pedal bone and we had a discussion about having to put her to sleep.”
Wanting to help Sally in any way she could, Annette was advised to bed the stable down with peat which she could soak, a course of bute was started and the blacksmith visited to trim her hooves and make her as comfortable as possible.
Annette saw an advert for a product called LaminAid on social media and in a bid to give Sally the best chance she could decided to buy a bottle.
Adds Annette: “I started using LaminAid in her feed on the Friday when it arrived, mixing it with some low-calorie chaff. By the third day she was already looking much more comfortable and in fact when my dog went too near her she actually picked up a back leg to warn him off.
“From that day she just got better and better and was soon walking around the yard and gradually getting back to her old self.
“She is amazing now and as soon as I could I stopped using the bute as I didn’t want to be using that for too long.
“Sally is now rolling happily, gets up, looks around and is very content I couldn’t be more pleased.”
Cavalor LaminAid is a unique balanced combination of several essential oils. Each oil is charachtarised by a specific structure, composition and effect. They work on various different levels in the body to support metabolism. The oils support the sensitive intestinal flora and bring hormonal and metabolic processes back in to balance. Cavalor LaminAid also supports circulation towards the hoof.
For further information contact Cavalor Direct FREE on (0800) 133 7483 or visit
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