Posted: 6th April 2018 | Back to news feed

Make Your Grazing Safe with Suregrow Meadow & Laminitics Grass Mix
Is your horse or pony prone to laminitis?
Suregrow Meadow & Laminitics Grass Mix creates a non-ryegrass sward and so reduces grass sugar levels to grazing animals.
The mixture contains a blend of Timothy, Crested Dogstail, Smooth Stalked Meadow Grass, Meadow Fescue, Cocksfoot and Strong Creeping Red Fescue. All grass species included in the mix, cure quickly because of the lower soluble carbohydrate and sugar content within the forage it produces.
By its nature and component makeup the mix helps grazing horses and ponies to reduce the incidence of laminitis. The seed is an ideal rye replacement where laminitis has previously been an issue.
The seed mix is especially suited to heavier, wetter or more difficult soil types where ryegrass is not wanted as part of the mixture.
The mix is durable and also flexible to occasionally make good quality hay or haylage. The product is extremely persistent and winter hardy and is therefore ideal for longer duration usage.
The seed mix can be spread by hand, allowing for an efficient easy application. If possible keep horses off the paddocks for two to three weeks after spreading.
Added Herbs
The Meadow & Laminitics Grass Mix offers the option of added mixed herbs. The herb mix includes Chicory, Burnet, Yarrow and Sheep’s Parsley. The option to add the herbs will provide greater quality to your paddocks with many additional benefits.
Chicory is a hardy plant that grows more in the winter, this leads to greater persistence and longevity. It is also known to be very effective at eliminating intestinal worms.
Burnet is a plant that is drought tolerant which will grow all year round in any conditions complimenting to the endurance of the grass mix.
Yarrow helps to restore arable land back to grassland. A great reason for its inclusion is that it develops deep roots which leave minerals therefore helping prevent mineral deficiencies in the animals which eat it.
Sheep’s Parsley is a common forage herb which lifts trace elements from deep within the soil. It can also help mares with breeding problems or reproductive disorders.
All these added herbs help to lift trace elements from deep within the soil profile adding to a high grazing quality and a long season.
Suregrow products include Suregrow Fertiliser, CSM, Paddock Grass Seed Mix, Fast Grass and Traditional Wild Flower Meadow Mix.
For more information on Suregrow please contact Suregrow on +44(0)1423 223045 or visit
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