Posted: 18th May 2015 | Back to news feed

As Shropshire County Champions at 70, 80 and 90cms our school show jumping team attended the 2015 NSEA Cortaflex County Show Jumping Championships which took place at Bury Farm Equestrian Centre, Leighton Buzzard on the 16th, 17th and 18th April representing Lacon Childe School and Shropshire. Charlotte Moreton, Year 11, was also representing Shropshire as individual champion at 90cms.
Each rider had to complete two rounds; in the 70 and 80cm one outside and one in the indoor arena, and for the 90cm both in the indoor arena. This was a fantastic opportunity and experience for our riders on such a massive stage, there were a minimum of 25 teams in each class each representing their respective county and very few state schools. Unfortunately we were unplaced in the team competitions but there were some excellent individual performances and awesome clear rounds. Well done to all our riders!
For more information about the school or for local sponsorship opportunities, please contact
Kate Pearce, Press Officer 01299 270312
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