Posted: 3rd March 2017 | Back to news feed

The bigger the show means a bigger arena, therefore your horse will need to be fitter. With the major shows remember to anticipate what the judge will require when riding. Ensure you have long enough stirrup leathers, big stirrup irons and ensure that your saddle fits correctly with extra padding for a taller and heavier rider.
Looking pretty is what some riders will be concentrating on. In hunter classes when riding in the ring you should focus on setting your horse up for when the judge comes to ride him. If you are riding a riding horse or hunter, a gallop will be required. The gallop isn’t to show the horse can win a race; it is there to simply show that the horse can go from A to B and can keep up with everyone else.
Jayne’s final tip across all levels would be to do less but do it well, rather than seeing attempts at more not being executed properly. But above all enjoy yourself and take in the experience. It will help your confidence for when you next get out there.
The Classic Show Saddle from Black Country Saddles, is her favourite piece of kit. It offers style and elegance when competing in the show ring.
Added Jayne: “The show saddle is so comfortable and is a fantastic fit for the horse and rider. The minute you sit on one you feel completely at home and you know you will not have to spend time bedding it in.
“They also allow plenty of freedom of movement which is so important for the show horse in order that they can move well and have presence when in the ring.”
For more information contact Black Country Saddles on 01543 578 243 or visit
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