Posted: 23rd April 2018 | Back to news feed

International showjumper Jamie Gornall has secured new sponsorship from British Horse Feeds, the makers of Speedi-Beet and Fibre-Beet. Jamie has ridden for and trained with some of the best riders in the world over the last 15 years and has a wealth of knowledge and enthusiasm for bloodlines and breeding. He is now based at his own yard, Gornall Equestrian, in the heart of North Yorkshire.
Since starting his show jumping career, riding for leading lady rider Di Lampard (now Chef d’Equipe for the British Show Jumping team), Jamie has also ridden for and trained with a number of the leading riders in Europe, including John Whitaker, Rolf Goran Bengtsson and Ludger Beerbaum.
Jamie said: “We are delighted to be teaming up with British Horse Feeds and their fantastic product Speedi-Beet which we already feed to our stallions and competition horses and it forms an important part of their diet and routine.
“We feed it to the horses as their last meal before lights out and this ensures they are full throughout the night so keeping their digestive system working.
“It is so easy to feed and all the horses love having it for their supper. We also find Speedi-Beet helps to keep them stress-free and relaxed. Top sport horses can be very sensitive to change and without doubt the horses look and feel better since adding it to their daily feed.”
Jamie Gornall riding stallion, Carsten. Photo courtesy of SportFot
Jamie and his team have built up an enviable team of horses, from promising youngsters to established campaigners competing at Grand Prix level including the highly regarded showjumping stallions; Christian 25, Cristobal and Carsten.
Will I’Anson of British Horse Feeds said: “Jamie is a talented rider and his passion and dedication to the sport are second to none. We are delighted to be supporting him and look forward to sharing his success throughout 2018.
“Speedi-Beet is an excellent source of non-heating slow release energy. The quick soaking beet pulp is ideal for providing hydration and is perfect for maintaining gut health and feeding as Jamie recognises is so beneficial for his string of horses.”
For more information on Speedi-Beet please contact British Horse Feeds on 01765 680300 or visit
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