Posted: 8th March 2016 | Back to news feed

Launched early in 2016, Smart Horse Nutrition is a brand new feed company with an overarching mission – to allow you to take control of your horse’s diet. By providing you with the 3 essential building blocks of a balanced diet – micro nutrients (Smart Balance), macro nutrients (a Smart Museli) and fibre, every horse’s diet can be tailored exactly to its individual needs, for the benefit of your horse’s health and your pocket.
Smart Horse Nutrition starts with the premise that your horse already receives a substantial proportion of the nutrition he needs, before you ever mix anything in a bucket.
This is because a 500Kg horse should be consuming around 10-12 Kg of forage a day (on a dry weight basis), comprised of hay, haylage and grass. As good quality forage will provide the vast majority of the horse’s daily nutritional needs, the Smart Horse Nutritionists formulated their rations from the bottom up, by analysing what your horse is missing once forage is taken into account.
Essentially, there are two key elements that are missing in the diet of a horse fed on an un-supplemented forage based diet: micro nutrients (key vitamins and minerals that are unlikely to be in sufficient supply in your forage) and macro nutrients (protein and energy), that are needed for reproduction, growth and an intense work load.
While the majority of horse feeds tie these two elements together, Smart Horse Nutrition has formulated a range of feeds that keeps them separate. Using Smart Balance as the foundation to ensure optimum intake of micro nutrients, the other 2 elements of a Smart Muesli (according to the horse’s macro nutrient requirement) and a Fibre are then used to construct the perfect diet, tailored exactly for your horse’s needs. Whether you’re feeding a child’s lead rein pony or a Badminton bound 4* eventer, by altering the quantity of Smart Balance and Smart Museli in your horse’s ration, you will provide all the micro and macro-nutrients required for optimum health and performance.
Smart Horse Nutrition - Simply Smarter.
For more information see, Tel 01497 570345 or Email
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