Posted: 2nd November 2021 | Back to news feed

Stable Graze is a revolutionary automated forage feeder which will change the life of stabled horses. Brought to you by Equestrian Products Ltd the unique design allows horse owners to divide feed rations into three separate feeds which will be released at pre - programmed intervals throughout the day or night.
Horses’ digestive system is designed to eat little and often however this is often impossible for some owners to achieve as they are unable to be at the stable continuously. As a result often horses are left with a whole day or night’s ration in the stable at once which they can eat in a short space of time leaving them to stand, unoccupied, until their owner returns. This can negatively impact on their health and wellbeing.
We know how difficult it is trying to balance a busy life with horses and that we should feed little and often but this can be almost impossible when you have to leave the stable at the crack of dawn and can’t get back until the end of the day. Stable Graze allows the horse to eat naturally and will save that stress and guilt which a lot of owners feel when they leave in the mornings or last thing at night.
Allowing a horse to stand all day with nothing to do may allow stable vices forming such as crib-biting, wind-sucking, weaving and box walking. Stable Graze allows the horse to eat smaller amounts throughout the day providing stimulation and entertainment helping to prevent damaging habits from forming.
Grazing over periods of time produces a constant flow of saliva in a horse’s digestive system.
This saliva protects internal membranes as it acts as a buffer from harmful stomach acids. This is critical as acid exposure is thought to be the primary cause of gastric ulcers in horses.
Gastric ulcers in horses are becoming more and more common and it is essential owners do all they can to mitigate the risk of ulcers forming. Using Stable Graze imitates the horses natural eating pattern which encourages that constant flow of saliva that is essential to prevent acid damage.
The compact, sleek and striking design makes Stable Graze an attractive addition to any stable, Installation is quick and easy and it can be fitted onto any stable wall.
We were delighted that Stable Graze has been asked to show our automatic feeder to dispense Alfafa cubes in the USA, our feeder meets all the necessary requirements for all types of feed. These forage cubes are gaining popularity as an alternative to feeding long-stem hay. The cubes available may be 100% alfalfa, a mixture of alfalfa and grass, or a more recent product which is a mixture of alfalfa and whole corn plant. As with any feedstuff, there are advantages and disadvantages that must be considered when making your decision to use alfalfa cubes in feeding programs for your horses.
Stable Graze has been received outstanding feedback from trials. These trials were conducted by a range of users from the single horse owner to veterinary surgeons and professional riders.
Recently (October 2021) a satisfied client emailed us to say:
"My Stable graze has been up and running for a week and I absolutely love it - genius piece of kit. I am so pleased I took the plunge - although it was a hefty investment for me but it works a treat and keeps my little cob’s waistline, digestive tract and behaviour in order . It now bears some teeth marks but where he clearly tested whether he might be able to access the Haylage himself but he seems to have given up trying now and waits for his 4 hourly drop!"
After using Stable Graze Nicola Wilson, International Event Rider commented:
‘Horses are designed in the wild to graze continuously through the day and it is important for the horse owner to try to mimic how they would naturally eat in the wild. Stable Graze allows you to do that, not only is it allowing you to feed at regular intervals throughout the day but it is also encouraging the horses to eat off the ground.’
Speaking of the product Lesley Barwise-Munroe (BSc, BVM&S, CertEP, MRCVS) said:
‘One of the key benefits we, as Veterinary Surgeons, will get from StableGraze is that there has been a massive increase in obese horses and so being able to regulate food intake with a trickle feeder will be very helpful. Also because obesity leads to a condition called laminitis a lot of horses are on a protracted period of box rest trying to manage and treat laminitis. Again it is going to be very helpful for owners to have a trickle feeder to stop them consuming too much and to allow them to go to work and know there is going to be a way for feed to be released to their horse or pony when they are away from the yard.
StableGraze are available to purchase on our website or by phoning 07590 614740 -- units are priced at £775 including delivery within the UK.
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