Posted: 23rd June 2021 | Back to news feed

With performance sport horses it’s all about gaining that extra marginal edge for a competitive advantage. With breeding, diet, rider techniques and knowledge we have almost reached the limit of perfecting our horses’ condition for competition. This is where light therapy comes in; to boost serotonin levels and give your horse that winning edge.
HorseLight newly announced sponsors of the British Dressage Medium Winter Championships, have developed an advanced, light therapy system that is worlds apart from ordinary stable illumination. It can be installed and used as your main lighting for your barn or stable block, or it can also be purchased as individual lighting strip units for individual stables not requiring an electrician, so just plug and go…
Light therapy has been proven and popular with humans for many years; we are all aware of SAD disease and HorseLight is the equine antidote.
The sun/daylight delivers a specific spectrum of blue light which has been scientifically proven to enhance the performance, health and wellbeing of horses. Standard white LED lights do not provide enough blue 450 NM light to replicate summer sunshine. The technology centres around Circadian Rhythm, the body clock of all mammals which is subject to the seasonal changes that daylight naturally affects.
Mares come into season and horses shed their winter coats when the daylight hours lengthen, summer generally brings an improvement in skin, coat and body condition together with all-round well-being. HorseLight delivers this all year round, with its unique seasonal timing system that gives the horse more summer months i.e., daylight in the stabled environment and reduces the winter blues.
The key benefits for performance sports horses are significant. These finely tuned horses can work more effectively, and their improved daylight alertness can leave them feeling more awake, more focused, and importantly, much happier.
HorseLight work closely with some of the UK’s leading race yards, stables and equestrian training yards. They have successfully introduced ground-breaking lighting techniques across the globe, creating bespoke lighting solutions and a range of made-to-order packages to suit specific needs and requirements. Get in touch today and trust the experts.
Prices start from £199 (+vat)
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