Posted: 14th October 2014 | Back to news feed

Why use Hemcore/Rapport/Flaxcore Bedding?
Highly Absorbent
What sets Hemcore/Rapport/Flexcore apart from other bedding materials is that they have a very high absorbency that results in a bed that stays drier longer. They are capable of absorbing far more moisture than either whole straw or wood shavings, and any wet areas that do have to be dug out are small by comparison. It makes a warm and comfortable bed that provides good insulation against cold and protection against injury.
Low Odour
Hemcore/Rapport/Flaxcore all absorb ammonia very efficiently, reducing its harmful effects on a horse’s respiratory system, and reducing stable odour.
Dust Extracted
Dust and spores are extracted from Hemcore/Rapport/Flaxcore to provide a cleaner stable environment. This is particularly important for horses with a respiratory disease, but also helps to prevent such problems developing.
Economical to Use
Although starting a bed with Hemcore/Rapport may be a little more expensive than with other materials, its slower replacement rate soon evens out the costs. With Hemcore/Rapport’s unusually high absorbency, only ½ to 1 new bales should be needed every ten days. Flaxcore is a very low cost bedding material, like Hemcore & Rapport it has a slow replacement rate when used in a deep litter basis. Also with is unusually high absorbency, only ½ to 1 new bales should be needed every 10 days. You may also like to use a light covering on rubber matting – again as Flaxcore is so low cost this is still a cost effective way of bedding your horse or pony down.
Labour Saving
A Hemcore/Rapport/Flaxcore bed is quick and easy to maintain, staying drier and lasting longer than conventional materials. It should be disturbed as little as possible. With the droppings being removed regularly each day and wet material dug out as required.
Easy Disposal
Hemcore/Rapport/Flaxcore creates only a small manure heap, which rots down into quality garden compost in just a couple of months. This compares very favourably with the long time it takes straw, and particularly shavings to decompose.
Hemcore/Rapport/Flaxcore is supplied in watertight heat-sealed polythene bales, which are convenient to handle and can be stored inside or out. There is not waste and no mess
Environmentally Friendly
Hemcore, Rapport & Flaxcore are made from sustainable sources and are completely biodegradable. They are packed in recyclable polythene.
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