Posted: 25th November 2021 | Back to news feed

Torne Valley Tickhill Win Mollichaff Light Molasses FreeTrade Display Competition
The HorseHage & Mollichaff team launched a fantastic retailer display competition at the start of the year to support new Mollichaff Light Molasses Free and are delighted to announce Torne Valley Ltd, Tickhill branch as their winner!
Torne Valley Ltd in Tickhill has won £250 worth of M&S vouchers and £250 worth of Mollichaff branded clothing.
The competition was open to all stockists in the UK and each store that opted to participate was sent a display pack to get them started and a box of chocolates as a thank you for entering.
With over 50 entries, the standard of competition has been outstanding with lots of time and effort gone into creating the displays.
Said Mark Westaway, Marketing Manager of HorseHage & Mollichaff: “We have been blown away with the response to our competition and would like to kindly thank each and every one of our stockists who participated. With such a high standard of competition it was a tough one to judge.
“We would like to congratulate Torne Valley Ltd Tickhill on winning the display competition. Their display portrays a great amount of creativeness and imagination.”
The Torne Valley Ltd branch in Tickhill are delighted to have won.
Said Chris Chambers, Torne Valley Ltd, Tickhill General Manager: “We are over the moon to have won the retailer display competition and are all very grateful for the £500 prize.
“We would like to thank our Sales Assistants Fay Raper, Sarah Sykes & Kate Drewery who put in a great amount of time and effort to create such a brilliant display. It has drawn a lot of attention to the new Mollichaff Light Molasses Free product.”
Said Fay & Sarah: “We are so proud to have won and we are really thankful for the prizes.
“We really enjoyed creating the display and put a lot of thought into it to get everything coordinating.”
Want to know more about Mollichaff Light Molasses Free?
Mollichaff Light Molasses Free is the perfect low cost option for adding fibre to a horse or pony's diet, whatever their level of work.
Low in sugar, starch, and calories, Mollichaff Light Molasses Free is ideal for:
- Providing essential fibre for all horses and ponies.
- Horses and ponies requiring a diet that is low in sugar and starch.
- Those prone to laminitis.
- Overweight horses and ponies, and those needing a calorie-controlled diet.
- Horses and ponies showing signs of gastric discomfort.
- As a partial hay replacer for those with a low calorie requirement.
It is made from a unique blend of dried grass, straw, soya oil and flavouring, with added fibre pellets to stimulate interest and chewing.
Essential fatty acids provided by the soya oil help maintain healthy skin and promote a glossy coat, ensuring your horse or pony looks its best.
This high fibre dust free feed provides essential fibre and supports a healthy digestive system.
For more information please call the HorseHage & Mollichaff Helpline on 01803 527274 or visit
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