Posted: 23rd April 2014 | Back to news feed

The competition horse is an athlete, requiring specialist management and optimum nutrition. But feeding the ‘fizzy’ or excitable competition equine can be considerably more challenging, and many owners struggle with how to offer the essential nutrients their horse needs whilst also avoiding a ‘hot’ temperament.
Every horse owner will be able to tell you about an occasion when they have experienced certain effects on a horses’ behaviour as a result of a feedstuff or its dietary components. All equines should be treated as individuals but in many cases similarities can be drawn between equines and the type of feed that is causing them to behave ‘explosively’!
In the case of an energy overload resulting in unwanted behaviour, the common culprit is often the grain content of the diet and the level of starches and sugar. Cereals such as oats, barley and maize will provide quick release energy through starch. This type of energy is rapidly broken down by the digestive system causing a rush of fuel to the blood stream, which can encourage excitability. Though some degree of starch in the diet is essential for the hard working competition horse, nutrition that provides slow release energy, such as a feed high in fibre and fat, typically results in less hyperactivity issues in equines.
Alpha Easy from Chestnut Horse Feeds makes feeding the fizzy horse simple. The palatable blend of high fibre pellets and quality alfalfa combines with a full range of quality vitamins and minerals, helping to maintain optimum condition in your horse, without the chance over over-exuberance. For those horses or ponies predisposed to over excitability Alpha Easy provides an ideal feed as the low starch and sugar formula is high in fibre which provides slow release energy to reduce explosive outbursts, as well as helping to minimise health problems such as laminitis and gastric upsets. Alpha Easy also provides additional slow release calories with a light coating of soya oil promoting healthy skin, hooves and coat condition.
Alpha Easy is available in 20kg bags or in the unique Chestnut Horse Feeds Bulk Bin Feeding System. The unique Bulk Bin is delivered full of feed and provided free of charge for the life-span of the chosen product, helping to keep yards tidy, rodents out and ensuring feed stays fresh and contaminant-free. Prices start at £12.50.
For more information about the natural range of horse feeds from Chestnut Horse Feeds to promote level-headed condition and performance visit the website
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