Posted: 21st May 2014 | Back to news feed

We all know that being overweight is unhealthy for humans and animals alike, but for many horse owners a weight control programme is rarely considered until there is already problem. This can result in negative consequences as crash dieting to reduce excess weight is highly unsuitable for the sensitive equine digestive system. Rather than waiting for the horse to become overweight before enforcing restrictions ideally horse owners should operate under a ‘prevention is better than cure’ method.
The equine has a sensitive digestive system and is designed to be what is known as a "trickle feeder". This means that the horse is equipped with a small stomach and intended to eat small amounts of food on an almost continual basis. This means that removing access to forage; such as grass and hay if the horse is overweight, is really a no-go in order to maintain optimum digestive health.
The quantity of feed provided is dependent on workload and many horses do require a degree of concentrate feed in order to provide them with sufficient energy to be ridden. Nonetheless forage remains the most important aspect of any equine's diet in order to maintain a healthy, mobile gut and to keep your horse or pony's digestive system functioning correctly. Rather than waiting for your horse to pack on the pounds why not focus on a forage-based first diet?
The unique design of Elim-a-Net allows horse owners to offer their equine a forage rich diet in a natural, trickle feeding way. Elim-a-Net contains an Inner Net Design, which alters the size and the shape of the holes of the hay net, slowing down the eating process and mimicking a natural trickle feeding process.
This system prevents your horse or pony gorging on, or bolting their hay, protecting their digestive system, minimising the risk of issues such as a build up of gastric acid, colic or obesity, whilst still ensuring forage is constantly available. If you are worried about weight gain, why not select hay of lower nutrient value or try soaking it prior to placing it in the Elim-a-Net?
Elim-a-Net is available in Pony, Cob or Full size allowing equine owners to measure out exactly what their horse needs for their size. Prices start at £10.99
For more information and to find your local stockist visit or call 07715 172 470.
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