Posted: 18th April 2017 | Back to news feed

EQUERRY Horse Feeds, title sponsor of the Bolesworth International Horse Show has launched a search for a new sponsored rider.
The chosen rider will get the chance to enjoy VIP hospitality at the show on Sunday, June 18 for the exciting Equerry Grand Prix, and will also win a year’s supply of Equerry Horse Feed for one horse or pony, an Equerry jacket, polo shirt and saddlecloth.
Are you the next Scott Brash, Charlotte Dujardin or Kitty King – if so Equerry Horse Feeds wants to hear from you!
The Equerry range of top-quality horse feeds contains something for every horse or pony, whether feeding a leisure horse or a competition horse, there is a product to meet their nutritional requirements.
The range provides everything from High Fibre Cubes for horses and ponies at rest or in very light work to Performance Cubes and Sports Mix for competition horses in hard work, as well as Conditioning Mash, Cool Cubes and Mix, and Horse & Pony Cubes and Mix.
The winner will have a monthly ‘blog-spot’ on the Equerry Horse Feeds website so they can share their experiences and progress throughout the year.
To enter email 200 words, your age, address, telephone number and a photograph to by the closing date May 31, 2017
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