Posted: 2nd November 2021 | Back to news feed

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Clocks are going back, temperatures are dropping and Covid-19 rates are rising but with COP 26 this month our attention is drawn to what we can each do, no matter how small, to protect our planet while keeping ourselves and horses safe.
In addition to vaccinating and regularly monitoring the health of horses in our care, and taking precautions to prevent any potential cross-contamination the use of a disinfectant to sanitise stables, water drinkers, mangers and equipment including, shared tack and boots is essential – but have you thought about the harmful effects harsh disinfectants can have on your health, your equipment and … the planet?
If you need to wear gloves and protective clothing to use a disinfectant, chances are it is harmful to aquatic life and the wider ecosystem as well as to your skin, lungs and eyes. Have you ever read the warning on a Fairy Liquid label? It clearly states: “Causes serious eye irritation. Harmful to aquatic life with long lasting effects” and that’s only dishwashing liquid.
Did you know that most disinfectants take up to ten minutes or more to disinfect? Who’s got time in a busy practice or yard to wait around for the disinfectant to do its job?
And just because it is approved by DEFRA doesn’t mean it’s environmentally friendly! When choosing a disinfectant, it is vital that you read the Safety Data Sheet –easily found on all brands’ websites – and any warnings.
The Natural Solution
The natural solution comes in the form of a little-known but highly-effective technology that has been in use for over 20 years and used in combatting epidemics around the world – MicroSafe. An electrolysed water using patented Microcyn Technology produces a harmless but highly effective HOCl disinfectant which is being adopted by top vets and yard owners who care about avoiding the negative effects of harmful chemicals.
Tried, tested and trusted
Join other leading vets, trainers and yard owners in the fight against the risk of infection without putting horses’ health or that of the people caring for them at risk from toxic chemicals by choosing MicroSafe (featured in the Racecourse Owners Specialist Suppliers Directory), 100% natural disinfectant that is 99.9999% effective against bacteria, viruses, fungi and spores (from MRSA to strangles, Covid-19 to Equine Influenza, TB to Equine Herpes Virus) without harm to people, pets, equipment or the environment.
There is mounting concern that many commonly used disinfectants may not be up to the job of dealing with the increasing number of antimicrobial resistant strains. This is because they only kill at Log 5 or lower leaving behind surviving pathogens that can then mutate and proliferate.
MicroSafe is the perfect infection control partner. Quickly, efficiently and effectively (99.9999% / Log6 reduction) fog and spray MicroSafe anywhere where it is vital to mitigate the spread of infection. It leaves no harmful residue and there is no exclusion time – in fact it can be used with people present and no protective clothing is necessary.
Peasebrook Equine Clinic, in Broadway, Worcestershire has made the switch to MicroSafe disinfectant. Although satisfied with documentary evidence of MicroSafe’s efficacy and safety they conducted a swab test; the results led to MicroSafe being added to the practice’s infection control protocol.
Principal veterinary surgeon at Peasebrook, Tim Galer MRCVS said: “My initial interest in MicroSafe was piqued for its efficacy and safety; in particular, in disinfecting semi-critical medical devices such as endoscopes. It is non-corrosive and with a kill rate of 99.9999% in under a minute, requiring no rinsing or waiting, it as efficient as it is effective.
“Fogging is the quickest and most efficient (less product needed due to tiny - 5 micron- droplet size) way to sanitise stables, the operating theatre and hard-to-reach areas – it’s now an essential weapon in our infection control armoury. “MicroSafe doesn’t irritate our breathing like the other solutions”, concluded Dr Galer.
As it is environmentally friendly, any residual can then be disposed of safely down the drain posing no threat to aquatic life.
Used topically, MicroSafe can be used to disinfect wounds and treat a multitude of common conditions we need to treat on our yards such as mudfever and whiteline disease.
“With this level of efficacy, contact time, shelf life and being non-corrosive, MicroSafe sets the gold standard in disinfectants making it ideal for use in clinical settings as well as general disinfection application” says Dr Hugh Martin, former Head of Agricultural Science now Honorary Fellow at RAU, and scientific adviser to the HOCl Trust for Hygiene and Safer Water.
Save up to 50% during the month of November on MicroSafe online at with the Equestrian Index Newsletter Reader Offer:
Use DISCOUNT CODE: EIN50 at checkout.
The Equestrian Index newsfeed is compiled from articles submitted by advertising members and expresses the opinions of those members. Watsons Directories Ltd shall not be held liable for any inaccuracies or mis-statements therein.